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Our new rolling machine

The investment in this machine has allowed us to continue to produce high quality industrial equipment including chimneys, silos, cooling and discharge drums: The video below shows one of our recently completed projects in action. Here is our discharge drum and vibratory conveyor in action (80t/h):

We sponsor Polish Foundrymen’s Day

Last year’s events brought together nearly 300 participants from all over the world and this year looks to be even bigger. Alongside the other celebrations there will be an international conference titled: “Foundry Industry – new solutions and perspectives for the future”. The aim of the conference is to demonstrate the evolution of the foundry industry and to share the latest techniques and practices in the management of production plants as well for the production of castings. The conference will have both Polish and international speakers who will present the evolution of the industry. There is simultaneous translation available if you haven’t yet had the chance to brush up on your Polish. The end of the day is celebrated by the Polish Foundrymen’s annual banquet. We have included full details of the program below: 11.00 – 11.30  Memory the Professor Józef Szczepan Suchy12.00 – 13.30 “Foundry Industry – new solutions and perspectives for the future” Part 114.00 – 15.00  Lunch break15.30 – 17.00 “Foundry Industry – new solutions and perspectives for the future” Part 217.30 – 18.30  The official part of Polish Foundrymen’s Day 201819.00 – 02.00  Polish Foundrymen’s Day 2018 – banquet You can find more details on the celebration HERE.